Understand Yourself: Feeling like a fraud?
Feeling-like-a-fraud is a shared sentiment amongst most people. We all, at one point or another, feel like we’re not really all that we are trying to portray. As if the person that you are out there in the world is a much better, smarter, funnier, prettier, etc version of who you believe you are at the core.
Anxiety Treatment Resources
This is a small list of books, videos, and articles about anxiety and techniques to deal with anxiety. Please keep in mind that not everything you read and watch will 100% apply to you or your situation. Keep an open mind and take away only want you want and need from these resources. Best Books on Anxiety Treatment and Techniques to Manage Anxiety Man’s search for himself – Rollo May – This is one of my favorite books as it focuses not only on anxiety but everything else that stops us from being who we are (identity issues). Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers: An Updated Guide to Stress, Stress-Related Diseases…
Turn feelings of insecurity into confidence.
A certain amount of insecurity is healthy and helpful. When we feel insecure we question the things we do which, in turn, forces us to look closer at any given situation to analyze and clarify our options in order to move forward. The problem with insecurities is not that they exist, they do and will, but how they manifest, how you unconsciously integrate them with who you are, and how you allow them to define you.
Dealing with unsupportive partners when you’re a creative
Creative people rely on their affect, talents, and techniques to engage in creative endeavors. A lot of the work you do takes places in solitude, as this is the space where creative ideas have the room to emerge and expand in an uncensored way. You reach deep within into the depths of your consciousness and take risks by plunging into the unknown without much of a guarantee of fame or success. And while creative people have been described as introverted and thinking types (not always the case) able to support themselves in the process of creativity, we’re still social beings and need people around us. We need a good supportive…