Understand yourself: Your relationship with sex matters.
Our culture has an interestingly bizarre, confusion-laden relationship with sex. While teens are expected to “just say no” the average adult struggles to come to a resolution and find a consistent understanding of what sex is and how it figures and fits into life.
“Walking in my shoes”
Often, you feel so misunderstood or not understood at all. Others might have more ardent issues than you do, and this is not a game of comparison “who has it the worst”. Your issues feel like they hurt more, because they are yours and you can feel them. We try to put ourselves in other people’s shoes and we can get it; but not entirely and never fully. Still, you do know how emotions feel like to you. Enjoy this Depeche Mode song! “Try walking in my shoes You’ll stumble in my footsteps.”
Ruminating with purpose
There are hundreds of articles and books that guide you to stop looking back at your past in order to move forward. I’m sure you’ve heard of or encountered at some point in your life someone to tell you that you need to get over your past or certain aspects of it. What does that even mean?
Depression, the secret we share
When you get 30 minutes watch this excellent TedTalk about depression. You will not regret it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-eBUcBfkVCoVideo can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Depression, the secret we share | Andrew Solomon (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-eBUcBfkVCo)